npm API examples

tXml is a parser that is implemented with nothing but javascript. It can work just absolutely everywhere where javascript can. In bowser, node, PWA, worker, service worker, mini programs and more.

So what does the parser do exactly?

It turns a string
`<xml is="awesome">tXml</xml>`
into objects
    tagName: 'xml',
    attributes: {
        is: 'awesome'
    children: ['tXml']

tXml is really fast. in benchmarks it has shown to be more then 3 times as fast as fast-xml-parser and 5 to 10 times faster than the legacy of xml2js.

There are more good reasons, check this list:

  • tXml is about 255 lines, can be easily extended.
  • tXml is 1.6kb minified + gzipped.
  • tXml is 5 - 10 times faster than sax/xml2js and still 2-3 times faster than fast-xml-parser
  • tXml can running in a worker.
  • tXml is parsing at average the same speed as native DOMParser + potential to be faster.
  • tXml is easy to read and good for study.
  • tXml creates a domObject with minimal footprint, that is easy to traverse.
  • tXml has proven in different projects, like RSS reader, openStreetMap, websites.
  • tXml can even parse handwritten XML that contains various errors.
  • tXml is working in client and server.
  • tXml is 100% covered by unit tests.
  • tXml is extreme small, perfect for browser, node, cloud function, edge.

checkout the API, or jump right into the action and see some examples.