npm API examples

txml.parse (xmlString, options)

  1. xmlString is the XML to parse.
  2. options is optional
    • searchId an ID of some object. that can be queried. Using this is incredible fast.
    • filter a method, to filter for interesting nodes, use it like Array.filter.
    • simplify to simplify the object, to an easier access.
    • pos where to start parsing.
    • keepComments if you want to keep comments in your data (keeped as string including <!-- -->) (default false)
    • keepWhitespace keep whitespaces like spaces, tabs and line breaks as string content (default false)
    • noChildNodes array of nodes, that have no children and don't need to be closed. Default is working good for html. For example when parsing rss, the link tag is used to really provide an URL that the user can open. In html however a link text is used to bind css or other resource into the document. In HTML it does not need to get closed. so by default the noChildNodes containes the tagName 'link'. Same as 'img', 'br', 'input', 'meta', 'link'. That means: when parsing rss, it makes to set noChildNodes to [], an empty array.
txml.parse(`<user is='great'>
    <profession>Software Developer</profession>
    <location>Shanghai / China</location>
// will return an object like: 
    "tagName": "user",
    "attributes": {
        "is": "great"
    "children": [{
            "tagName": "name",
            "attributes": {},
            "children": [ "Tobias" ]
        }, {
            "tagName": "familyName",
            "attributes": {},
            "children": [ "Nickel" ]
        }, {
            "tagName": "profession",
            "attributes": {},
            "children": [ "Software Developer" ]
        }, {
            "tagName": "location",
            "attributes": {},
            "children": [ "Shanghai / China" ]