npm API examples

txml.simplify (tXml_DOM_Object)

Same purpose of simplify, to make the data easier accessible. It is modeled after PHP s simplexml. You can quickly access properties. However, some attributes might be lost. Also some string values can be lost. For details see Issue 19. This method is used with the simplify parsing option.

  1. tXml_DOM_Object the object to simplify.
txml.simplify(txml.parse(`<user is='great'>
    <profession>Software Developer</profession>
    <location>Shanghai / China</location>
// will return an object like: 
    "user": {
        "name": "Tobias",
        "familyName": "Nickel",
        "profession": "Software Developer",
        "location": "Shanghai / China",
        "_attributes": {
            "is": "great"